Drain Storm by David Horner COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- Drain Storm is copyrighted material. You are free to copy, use, and distribute the software to your friends and co-workers, on electronic bulletin boards and over networks subject to the following terms: (1) The software must remain in its original form. You may not modify, change in any way, create derivative or adapted works thereof, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer it. (2) The software must retain the copyright legend, information, and Terms and Conditions in the README.TXT file, and (3) The software may not be distributed for profit or bundled with other products without prior written permission. TERMS AND CONDITIONS -------------------- READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE. BY USING THE SOFTWARE YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREOF. Drain Storm is free of charge software and provided on an As- Is basis. You are responsible for installation, management and operation of the software. DAVID HORNER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE QUALITY, PERFORMANCE OR ANY OTHER ASPECT OF THE DOWNLOAD OR OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE. DAVID HORNER IS MAKING THE PRODUCT AVAILABLE TO YOU ON AN AS-IS BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WITH RESPECT TO THE PROGRAM, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURCHASE, AND ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SOFTWARE WHATSOEVER. THE ENTIRE RISK OF USE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL DAVID HORNER BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBLITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Said Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any action brought hereunder must be brought in State District Court, Hennepin County, Minnesota. ======= UNINSTALLING This game is well-contained. If you created a new directory for Drain Storm, simply delete all files in that directory and remove it. This game does not use .INI files or the registry. Please send comments, questions and bugs to: Email: dhorner@CompuServe.com Or: Dave Horner P.O. Box 246 Hopkins, MN 55343-0246 USA